Saving money on your energybill
You may have heard it before: "In the future all houses and other buildings in the Netherlands will be detached from the natural gas network."
That might sound odd and maybe you think it does not concern you personally, but it will be the new reality here in Vlissingen as well.
Before the year 2050 we will switch to sustainable sources for heating, hot water and cooking. This has been agreed upon in the national Klimaatakkoord.
Just like any other municipality, the municipality of Vlissingen has made a strategy on how to achieve this: the Transitievisie Warmte. You can read more about this at: transitievisie warmte.
We cannot cook or heat our houses without using natural gas just like that. Heating systems in most houses have to be adapted. In most cases that means (extra) isolation, installing a heat pump and changing (for example) the cooker.
Everyone has to join us!
Whether you own or rent a house or building: everyone has to switch from natural gas to another sustainable source. This transition is called the ‘warmtetransitie’.
We can only do this together. But moreover: you can save on your private energy account and thus save money!
24 tips on how to save energy
Even with small alterations in your home you can save energy (natural gas and electricity). We have 24 tips for you, see the attached download.
For example: tips on how to use radiator foil, to diminish your time in the shower, to turn your thermostat for central heating to a lower setting and so on. By applying all these tips together a family could save up to 750 cubic meter of natural gas; that is 750 euro annually!
More information
Would you like to know more about energy saving in the municipality of Vlissingen? Go to: duurzaam wonen.
Energy bill
Is it difficult for you to make ends meet? Or to pay your energy bill? Please contact Orionis Walcheren. Call the Klant Contact Centrum (Customer Service) , dial: (0118) 43 27 00.
The Klant Contact Centrum is open from Monday to Friday, between 8.00 AM and 17.00 PM. You can also get in touch online.
Visiting hour Geldzorgen (Money Worries)
You can also visit the open visiting hour Geldzorgen (Money Worries). You do not have to make an appointment first. Opening hours:
- Every Tuesday from 9.00 AM to13.00 PM at Orionis Walcheren, Oostsouburgseweg 10, Vlissingen;
- Every Thursday from 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM in de ZB bibliotheek van Middelburg, Kousteensedijk 7 in Middelburg.